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5 Alarming Contractor Safety Statistics

While working with contractors, there is a misbelief that strict regulations and regular OSHA inspections are sufficient safeguards against...

Secrets of Contractor Safety Orientation

Contractor safety is a paramount concern in various industries, given that contractors face a higher risk of accidents and...

Common Safety Hazards Contractors Face in the Workplace

Safety in the workplace is of paramount importance, especially for contractors, who face a variety of safety hazards depending...

Safety Protocols and Procedures in Contractor Management

In today’s world, with market demands and employer needs always shifting, contractors play a significant role, constituting one in...

How to Prevent Pitfalls with PPE Usage Among Contractors 

In the domain of workplace safety, the importance of personal protective equipment remains paramount. Overlooking the enforcement of PPE...

Mitigate Risk in the Grain Handling Industry

 Risk in Grain Handling With the threat of food safety issues, fires, explosions, falls from heights, engulfment, entrapment, serious...

OSHA Considering Possible Revisions to PSM Standard

On August 30th, OSHA issued a notice of stakeholder meeting for interested parties to participate in an informal virtual...

Heat Illness Prevention

Millions of U.S. workers are exposed to excessive heat in their workplaces every year. Thousands of workers become sick...

Is COVID-19 Considered A Recordable Case For OSHA Recordkeeping Purposes?

Many employers are currently asking themselves an important question:  Do I need to record employee cases of COVID-19 on...

The Importance of Managing Contractor Risk

In March of 2008, a beef processing facility in Arkansas was destroyed by a large fire and series of...

Project Planning with Contractors

In today’s world, we find ourselves in a rush to be productive and get things done.  As technology continues...

Tips for Implementing Contractor Management

The use of contractors can be both a great opportunity and a challenge and it can also bring risk...

Common Risks Contractors Bring to a Business

Hiring contractors to complete construction and maintenance work is common, which means the contractor and client relationship is an...

OSHA Revises Guidance for Recording COVID-19 Cases

On May 19th OSHA issued new enforcement guidance regarding an employer’s obligation to record cases of COVID-19 on the OSHA...

Water. Rest. Shade. Stay Safe While Working in the Heat

It is that time of year again.  Days are getting longer, and temperatures are rising, which means summer is...

Returning to Work During COVID-19

As states begin to lift “shelter in place” orders it is critical for businesses to have a plan in...

National Work Zone Awareness Week-2020

The National Work Zone Awareness Week is April 20 – 24, 2020, and is the 20th year of the event. ...

OSHA Issues Guidance for Recording COVID-19 Cases

On April 10, 2020, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued interim guidance for recording cases of COVID-19. ...


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